Gloucestershire Cancer Exercise is for those living with, and beyond cancer. Being physically active has many benefits. There is strong evidence that for lung, brain, breast, prostate and colorectal cancer exercise can:
– Decrease cancer recurrence
– Improve recovery and rehabilitation
One Gloucestershire (NHS & County Council), Local Authorities, Macmillian Next Steps, Aspire, Heidi’s Heroes and Maggies have teamed up to provide exercise sessions for people affected by cancer – before, during and after treatment.
The trained professional instructors will guide you through activities appropriate for your needs at the stage you are at now, whether you’ve just been diagnosed, or you are regaining fitness after treatment.
Gloucestershire Cancer Exercise sessions are designed to maintain and improve fitness in a safe manner. They are for you, whatever your current or previous level of fitness.
On this site you can find out how to access exercise options including walking therapies, yoga, tai chi, gym classes and one to one specialist sessions. There is a wide variety available throughout the county.
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