The Benefits of Exercise

What patients say about Gloucestershire Cancer Exercise:

“This has given me confidence and the knowledge to understand how and why to make changes to my lifestyle.  The referral to Heidi’s Heroes at CLC has been great in getting my fitness back on track in a supportive environment.”

“It’s there for your benefit to get you back with fitness and more normal lifestyle, use it”

“Well worth the effort it takes to help recovery and regain your individuality. You feel like you lose your identity during treatment but the rehabilitation helps you to find yourself again. Thank you for being there for us. Thank you for everything”

“I benefitted from the Take Control workshop and meeting Felice, Personal Trainer, who was very helpful advising me on the exercises I could undertake safely and providing me with an on-going programme after the 6 week course. There are other courses on offer if required i.e. Dietician, Physio. Definitely a worthwhile programme. Very much appreciated.”

“It helped me to reassess my fitness and achieve a more sustainable regime to help me achieve my goal of running the Cheltenham half marathon, something I did before I was diagnosed with cancer and a personal goal to do it again”

“Following the end of my treatment I lacked the fitness and motivation to exercise but since starting on the next steps programme I have become fitter and thanks to help and support from Felice I have signed up and training towards the Great North Run”